Your Never-Ending List of “Somethings” Lives Here
When it comes to commercial space, there’s always something going on. Something to fix, someone to call, somewhere to go, something to review. No matter if it’s a major expansion, or a pesky maintenance issue, the Task Manager will help you organize and anticipate your list of “somethings” so you can get work done.
Too much on your plate?
There’s always something that needs to get done, but you can’t be in several places at once. Additionally, you have to plan for what’s around the corner.
Getting lost in long email threads?
Searching through emails to find documents or information can bring your productivity to a complete halt. It’s easy to get your wires crossed when several contacts are involved.
Overwhelmed by the details?
Keeping track of all the details related to your activities quickly becomes a headache. It’s all made more difficult when you have to bounce between several different systems.
The Project Summary is the Homebase of Your Activity
This is where you build the framework of your project and monitor the overall progress.

Get the details out of your head and into the Task Manager. This is where you capture all of the action – the building blocks that make up the entire project.

If you have an important update, new details, or need to share your thoughts, simply post a note. This keeps conversations flowing and accessible to your team.

Let's face it - project management isn't the same for every CRE professional.

Store all project documents and photos
Including space plans, proposals, memos, and more
Create & share critical date reminders
For deadlines, key milestones, tasks, and more
Monitor all changes made to a project
The Activity List is continuously updated using time/date/author stamping
Create user-specific roles
You have total control over what a user can see and edit
Frequently Asked Questions
In the world of Quarem, a project means any active process - negotiating a new lease, working on a TI build out, moving, marketing a vacancy, and so much more.
You can easily create individual contacts for each person associated with a project. From there, you have total control over what they can access and edit by assigning access roles.
The GeoUnit Filters allow users to create custom filters across Quarem. Within projects, you can create filters based on location or type and assign them to each project.
The project dashboards allow you to get into the details or analyze the basics at a quick glance. The Critical Date Overview and Task Overview will help you keep up with the essentials throughout your entire project. If you choose to create and assign GeoUnit Tags, you can customize the Project Overview dashboard to fit your reporting needs.
Get Started With Quarem
Less headaches. More Control. A better way to manage your leases.
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