Commercial Property Management Software – Your Answer to Work-Life Balance

 July 16, 2019

By  Guy Gray

Work-life balance is a problem for many Americans. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the United States ranked 30 out of 38 countries analyzed when it comes to healthy work-life balance. The OECD found that about 1 in every 10 Americans work “very long hours” and the average worker dedicated only 14.4 hours to personal care and leisure.

Commercial real estate professionals might dedicate even less. After all, pulling a property manager away from his or her duties can be a difficult task. If said CRE pro knew that many of these duties could be handled by a commercial property management software solution, however, it might be a different story.

Time-Consuming Property Management Tasks

If you think you may have a work-life imbalance, ask yourself: why? What tasks are taking up most of your time? Could you be automating any of these tasks or do you stubbornly insist on doing them yourself? Here are a few property management tasks that tend to consume the most time for commercial real estate professionals:

  • Monitoring assets like equipment and inventory
  • Keeping up with expenses, losses, profits and other important accounting numbers
  • Reviewing leases to identify upcoming commencements or expirations
  • Screening and identifying prospective tenants
  • Recording, organizing and storing records and documents
  • Addressing complaints and maintenance requests
  • Determining appropriate rent values
  • Scheduling showings and communicating with prospects
  • Marketing the property and trying to fill vacancies

The good news is that many of the above tasks can either be completely automated or assisted with commercial property management software like Quarem.

How Commercial Property Management Software Saves Time

Regardless of your role and whether you have a single property or portfolio of properties, commercial property management software can free up your time so you can focus on more important tasks (or leisure time!). Wouldn’t it be nice to reach the OECD average of 15 hours of personal care/leisure time? It may be possible with Quarem. Here are some of the ways Quarem saves property managers time:

  • Displaying up-to-date tenant information such as upcoming expirations or overall tenant mix, in an easy-to-read dashboard
  • Securely storing all documents (leases, photos, plans, other files) on the cloud, which can be accessed by any device at any time
  • Creating critical date reminders about things like lease expirations and renewal options
  • Tracking important financial details like rent roll and expenses
  • Giving you insights on current vacancies so that you can adjust marketing efforts

These are just a few of the time-saving features of Quarem. If you’re a property manager and interested in seeing how Quarem can help you with work-life balance, request a demo today.

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About the author 

Guy Gray

Guy Gray serves as Chief Operating Officer overseeing our technology and client services teams. He is responsible for guiding Quarem application development, networking and security, as well as new client implementations.

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