How CRE Software Can Help with Marketing Yourself and or Your Brand

 July 17, 2017

By  Guy Gray

As a busy commercial real estate professional, you know the effort it takes to grow your company’s reputation, brand and image, all while also trying to expand your CRE portfolio and manage your existing properties.  If you manage to actually eat dinner while it’s hot and get in bed before the birds start singing, consider yourself lucky.  We won’t even start on somehow managing to fit in family time or a social life.

While your first inclination may be to “buckle down” or “just work harder”, at Quarem, we like to think easing your workload through improved efficiency is the way to go.  Quarem’s advanced software solutions for CRE property management are specifically designed with the busy real estate professional in mind.  More than just a tool for tracking leases, Quarem Vantage and Quarem Access and similar, well-designed property management solutions, can also be effective marketing and brand management tools when implemented with an eye towards information coordination in mind.

Keep Track of Those Contacts

If you’ve heard it once you’ve heard it a million times.  Growing a successful business often comes down to who you know.  Keeping track of that knowledge, though, is another story.  In commercial real estate, you need to know which lender to go to when you need specific loan terms.  Which financing partner is interested in tackling your newest office building acquisition is equally as valuable.  Both, and more, can be inputted and tracked using sophisticated software that also integrates with your existing lease portfolio.  Talk about information at the click of a button.

What About That Lunch Meeting

It’s one thing to have the contacts when you need them and anther to have the ability to keep on top of the appointments you make to capitalize on them.  A quality property management software solution should also have the ability to track important calendar dates and meetings.  Advanced technology, such as that offered by Quarem, will also communicate with your existing calendar placing all of your business’ most important dates and meetings at the tip of your fingers.  Whether a lease renewal or business lunch, never miss a date again.

Don’t Worry About Your Existing Properties

Making connections, networking and building your company and brand’s reputation is incredibly important and time consuming, and a valuable exercise.  But ignoring your existing commercial real estate properties in favor of growing your business can leave you taking two steps back for every one forward.  With Quarem’s lease administration and property management solutions, you can have the best of both worlds.

Grow your business while expertly maintaining your existing properties through streamlined integration of data into approachable platforms.  Seamlessly navigate between modules and even track and compare new potential properties to your existing portfolio, displaying big picture analytics on your next property puzzle piece.  With Quarem’s sophisticated lease, property and portfolio management tools there’s no need to sacrifice your existing business plan to network and connect and develop new opportunities. Contact Quarem for a free quote today and find out how we can help make it easier to grow and market your brand.

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About the author 

Guy Gray

Guy Gray serves as Chief Operating Officer overseeing our technology and client services teams. He is responsible for guiding Quarem application development, networking and security, as well as new client implementations.

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