What Drives a CRE Professional Crazy in 2016?

 December 13, 2016

By  Guy Gray

As a CRE professional you have a lot on your plate.  Managing a growing, diversified portfolio of real estate in today’s modern business world takes someone who knows how to keep track of multiple moving pieces across an ever-widening footprint.  Whether in the office or on the go you need access to marketplace analytics, scoops on hot real estate deals and you can’t afford to stand still.  Few things annoy you more than lack of momentum or inefficiency in your business.

In short, you don’t have time for nonsense.  Quarem is here to help.  With a suite of property management solutions that evolve and adapt just as fast as our business, Quarem is the technology you need to keep sane in the complicated world of commercial real estate.  Read on for look at how Quarem can help mitigate some of the biggest complaints we hear from CRE professionals.

Missing the Forest for the Trees

As a CRE professional, your concerns focus on the big picture items.  Where do you see your business moving in the next 10 years?  What are the growing trends in the marketplace?  When will you have time to sit down and eat a hot meal?

Quarem can help you access your valuable property information, compare hard numbers and pull up even the most minute details, all on demand.  With us, you won’t be bogged down with piles of paper when all you really needed to know is one specific lease clause or interest rate.

Time is Money

Time is money.  This oft repeated phrase has been used and overused by anyone with a lick of business sense.  And for good reason.  When you have to schedule in time to see your family, the last thing you need is a wasted afternoon of negotiations or waiting on emails from collaborators in order to manage your large office building project.  Modern solutions like Quarem Vantage provide instant cloud-based access to all of your important data, allowing people to work and contribute in real time.

Missing Out on the Next Big Trend

There are few things as annoying to the modern CRE professional as missing out on trends, and ultimately, business as a result.  CRE professionals cannot be ignorant to current trends and the best CRE professionals have a knack for forecasting trends. Perhaps those still betting on traditional mega-malls of the 90’s or those not willing to see the light with a strip mall that has decreased in value significantly over the last few years due to the already invested time scouting will be affected by not adapting to the current market.  Quarem makes your life easier by not only freeing you up to do your necessary research to keep on top of changes in your CRE portfolio, but also allows you to integrate multiple reporting platforms directly into one user friendly database.  Have more time and easier access to information so that when the time comes you are prepared to jump on the next CRE bandwagon and capitalize in the form of returns.

Avoidable Mistakes

Remember that game of telephone you used to play in High School?  Specifically the way that by the time the message got to the last person in the line the phrase “I’m eating dinner at Fred’s house tonight” became “I’m the winner in the chicken fight.”  With multiple sources of information and numerous people contributing, it increases the chances that critical details get missed or that important details end up being just plain wrong.  With all of your information in one secure place, everyone will be on board with complete access to the most recent and accurate version of your project, lease or companywide plan of action.

When it comes to your CRE portfolio, Quarem can turn frustrations into efficient processes by providing a fully featured, integrated platform for managing your real estate empire.  Save yourself time, energy and headaches by reaching out for a free quote for your specific needs today.

What drives a CRE professional crazy in 2016? Everything we’re looking to eliminate from your workflow.

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About the author 

Guy Gray

Guy Gray serves as Chief Operating Officer overseeing our technology and client services teams. He is responsible for guiding Quarem application development, networking and security, as well as new client implementations.

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