Why Quarem Was Ahead of the Curve on the Recent Contact-Free Developments

 July 16, 2020

By  Guy Gray

For many of us, making the adjustment to remote work from home was something we never expected to do. In the wake of it all, we found ourselves scrambling both in and out of the office. Did I grab everything from my desk? How should I get set up at home? What the heck is Zoom and why do my coworkers need to see me working from home in my pajamas?

There were so many big changes occurring at once. On top of everything else, commercial tenants now had to address the issue of rent relief, which came with its own set of questions. If you found yourself struggling to remember the basics, like your landlord’s name, you aren’t alone. Rent relief is time sensitive so knowing the who, what, when, where, and why of all your leases is critical. Unfortunately, many people discovered they weren’t prepared just as the clock was ticking.

What Contact-Free Meant for CRE Professionals

It’s the little things that you never even had to think about before that made working from home difficult.

No more knocking on your coworkers’ door when you have a quick question about a lease. No more running down to the property managers office. No more space tours. Vital FF&E assets either sat lonely back at the office or made their way home with members of your team (I currently have a borrowed printer sitting in my living room).

As we all split up, it became more important than ever to stay on the same page. Sure, emails, phone calls, shared servers, and so many other solutions helped us go about our business, but it’s all too easy for vital information, like lease data, to get lost as you bounce from one system to the next.

That’s where are solution like Quarem comes in and saves the day.

Why Quarem is a Great Solution for Contact-Free Work

For many, lease management software is something you don’t think you need until you actually really need it. Our forced adventure into contact-free work is a perfect example of a time when you really need it.

Quarem is like a home base for all the data, documents, dates, and activity related to your leases, properties, projects, and FF&E. Everything you need, from reports to points of collaboration, is stored in one spot in the cloud where everyone that needs to can access it.

Your static lease documents are transformed into living digital profiles. Each lease has profile where you capture and arrange over 40 key points, including income/expense schedule, lease options, and parking. Within each section, you can copy and paste the actual lease language in case you need to reference it in the future.

It’s easy to adjust to remote work and the new stresses that come with a shifting landscape when you have a virtual home base.

  • Answers to any quick questions are just a few clicks away
  • Access controls, notes, and activity timelines make collaboration possible
  • You don’t have to waste precious time locating critical information. Within minutes, you can download a report with everything you need, like Landlord contact details and projected rent schedules for every single lease.
  • All of your documents are neatly organized and accessible whenever you need. No more searching through email threads, filing cabinets, or the deep dark corners of your desktop.
  • The important FF&E items that found new homes in living rooms or makeshift offices are tracked and accounted for.

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About the author 

Guy Gray

Guy Gray serves as Chief Operating Officer overseeing our technology and client services teams. He is responsible for guiding Quarem application development, networking and security, as well as new client implementations.

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